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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Monkeying Around QP Freebie Set 2

Three more weeks until the "MOST WONDERFUL DAY OF THE YEAR!!!"....... the day when the kids return to school!!  This summer has been SO busy with baseball (until mid-July), vacation, swim lessons, and then football (started end-July!) - school will bring some quiet moments... for me, at least! ;)  And quiet moments should mean that I can do lots of designing!  

In the meantime, here's the 2nd set of quick pages from CT Linda using the Monkeying Around minikit.  And if you are interested in the kit, you can snag it for just $2.00 in either of my stores:  at MagsGraphics or DigiScrapStation!

Please leave a COMMENT if you choose to download!
:) Mags


  1. very cute!

  2. Thank you for the absolutely adorable monkey QPs! My SIL is a monkey fan and I can use it for her birthday party! Thanks! :)

  3. Mags, I left a comment in your chat box, but I'll leave one here as well... On the 1st set and this one I can't open them. They download just fine, but when I go to open them, Winzip tells me that it isn't a valid file and so I get nothing! :( We call my oldest son Monkey so I would LOVE these pages to scrap for him. Can you help, please?? Thanks!

  4. So cute! Thank you for the QPs and the mini kit from Facebook! Love the color combo.


Your comments on my blog are GREATLY appreciated! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! :)Mags